Thursday, August 23, 2007

The Healdsburg Guitar Festiva '07 is over!

Wow! What an event. It was a ton of work and thoroughly exhausting, but it was a FANTASTIC time. I met hundreds (if not thousands) of great people, heard some truly amazing players, saw many of my friends who are guitar builders, and had the opportunity to gawk at a sea of inspiring work.

Many many thanks to the folks at LMI who really treat us right and worked so incredibly hard to make this happen and to Paul Asbell for his fantastic job during my mini concert.

I sold all the guitars that I took to the show and added a few to my build list -- life is good. I can't wait until the next one.


Unknown said...

My wife bought your Koa guitar at the festival. She finally let me play it last night in front of her friends.

She was a little shy about playing in front of company, but I've been waiting to play this for a week! (Hopefully better than I did at the festival: sorry - hope your ears have recovered.)

Everyone was impressed all around:

This guitar puts out a sweet sound that begs the question of where the effects ppedal is hiding.

The sustain is incredible.

The guitar is a visual work of art.

The craftsmanship is amazing - how many times can you turn a guitar every which way to notice something new. (I noticed the front of the head piece at the show, but only saw the cool piece on the back last night.)

Having got to play it for more than 5 minutes I realized how your neck shaping makes for easier playing up and down the neck.

We'll do our best to provide this guitar a good home. Hopefully I'll get to play this more often.


Brock Poling said...

Hi James.

Thank you so much for the kind words (and buying the guitar :-) ). I am very glad you and your wife are enjoying it.

If she doesn't let you play it... just give me a shout. I know how to fix that problem. ;-)
